Food waste and green material composting beginning January 2022
An important part of the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery’s mission is to increase the diversion of organic materials away from landfills and towards the production of value-added products such as compost, fertilizers and biofuels.
California’s SB1383 mandates curbside and commercial composting beginning January 2022. Recology of the Coast will be beginning this program in your neighborhood the week of January 3-2022. Your ninety-six gallon green cart will now be picked up weekly with your garbage and recycling carts and should be placed curbside no later than 5am on pickup day. The additional thirty gallon can will no longer be accepted starting January 2022.
Items Accepted:
- Food Waste – bones, coffee grounds, fruit, meat, vegetables
- Green Waste – branches (3 ft in length and less than 3 INCHES wide) leaves, yard trimmings
- Soiled Paper Waste – coffee filters, paper milk cartons, paper plates, cups and napkins, pizza boxes, tea bags
- Unacceptable items: Animal waste, diapers, ash, cat litter, biodegradable bags, construction debris, dirt, rocks, gravel, concrete, bricks, garden hoses, plastic bags, wood and sawdust.
Please have cart curbside, when full, each week with your other carts.
