Public Records Request
Public records are open to inspection at all times during regular office hours, and every person has a right to inspect any public record except as exempted by law. To review or to request a copy of a public record, please complete and submit the above form to District staff. Please identify specifically the type of record(s) you are requesting, and where applicable, please provide the title or type of document or record, and other specific identifying information, such as the name of the person or project associated with the item (if applicable).
Upon receipt of a completed request form, a determination will be made on whether the records or documents are in the District’s possession, if the records are accessible, and are not exempt from disclosure, and shall make the record(s) available within 10 business days. In the case of unusual circumstances, the time limit may be extended by 14 days, and if so, the District will provide a written notice of the reason for the extension. (See the reverse side of this form for definition of “unusual circumstances”). It is the policy of the District to fulfill all requests for public records as soon as possible and with minimal delay to the requesting party.
Submit Your Form Online
To submit your request online:
- Download and complete the form linked above.
- Scan or save as a PDF.
- Attach to the form below and click submit.